Things I Learned Along The Way

Mi'kail Eli'yah
23 min readJul 15, 2018


Mortality and Existentialism

Human mortality exists. Come to think about it, we are not born to know about it. I have been wondering why people are so careless about it.

Reality and Possibility

The world is very cruel. There is a better possibility, but people don’t want to do something about it. They can, but they won’t.

Observation 1:
Problems will never go away, until we solve it.

Observation 2:
If we solve it, a bigger problem will arise.
It’s like climbing a mountain, the air gets thinner at the top.

Observation 3:
Know which mountain, we have to scale. Don’t reach that top to realize that we are on the wrong mountain.

Observation 4:
Don’t curse the mountain from the base, and say it will be an unworthy climb, because we cannot and we dare not. It’s called “sour grapes”.

Observation 5:
Look for old climbers. They have a filled trove in their booklets which they carrying on the way up. They record the pitfalls and snares, as well, if that mountain contains treasures and tonic.

Human Will, Human Conditions and Human Conditioning

Every human is a subject of conditions. I seen it over the years later with the story of my father and grandfather, and how they are also just a state from the story that spans over generations. At age 6, I was struggling with the basic causality of how people are. I see the effects, but I don’t get the physics, but I do realize the conditions make the person. Subjected under a draconian living condition, it was hard to rise above what was deem conceivable. Over the years, this comes clearer to me as well.

Virtues, Motives, Motivations and Methods

There is only 1 way to progress — to become stronger, faster, smarter, and kinder. My father said “a superior man deprives himself and flourish others, the inferior man lives otherwise”. I can see what he did for us, and I wonder if he is struggling to do the same for others.

Vigilance, Virtues and Human Nature

Human are very vulnerable. There are ways to make them, there are ways to break them. Ignorant is not bliss, methods make a difference.

Perspicacity, the Eye for Possibilities

Most people till the week they are dying do not know what they are living for and about. My father reminded me not to be one of them. Think 3x a day where you are heading in life and if the day is well charted. That day is 1 move in your life, and it can and should be a decisive 1.

That Makes All That Difference

There are 1440 minutes a day. Every moment is an opportunity for power. Every move counts. 1 wrong move is all it takes to end like a fool. Control is key. One must plan and control all the way to the end. Human can be control the same way. My father taught me that within 1 chess game.

“You either have a plan or you have an excuse”
“У вас либо есть план, либо у вас есть предлог.”
“Sie haben entweder einen Plan oder Sie haben eine Entschuldigung.”

Fate: The Human Story

Many human story are more than what we think. Before we judge, make sure we understand. The heated strained relationship between my grandfather and father exacerbated. Understanding the story makes me understand that human are that amendable to their story. What if we can author our own story and dictate our own fate?

Belief in hope unseen that can be manifested to pull oneself forward is a promise manufactured. Years later, retrospectively, it may not be real, but it is certainly useful, and perhaps, it can be made real ex post facto.

From the furnace and anvil of bitterness, lessons can be baked, working principles can be refined and derived.

The Lore

Nature has its ways, nature finds its ways. Every system has a logic. We can re-use those laws and dynamics. Every puzzle has a key solution, and if we know how to turn the key, the twist is within our control. My father started to teach me on organizing people and designing facilities. Auto-didacticism becomes part of human-schooling. Learning to discover and refine the methods is key to the making of the person. You can design yourself and chart your own destiny, but the will must come before the wit, and the wit will mine its ways. The will, wit and way paradigm was set from childhood home-schooling discipline and was drawn in later years.

“If you want your skill to be perfect; you must have devotion with perseverance and patience as having endurance to grind an iron rod into a needle.”
— Father to Mi’kail

Who We Are Versus What We Are

Human can be that cruel. They can be that self-sacrificial. But what if the people they live and hate happen to be born at a different setting, to different people. This thought becomes what is developed as ‘loving Mr X paradigm’ later. Everyone is a variable in the universe and we are all subjected under its physics.

Avoiding danger makes things worse. When the real situation happens, most people are poorly equipped and their only end is the breaking point.

“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” — Helen Keller

Reality Versus Realism

Most people really do not know what they are doing in life. This reminds me again and again of what my father told me at age 9. All the leaders and teachers of the world are merely pretending they know.

Reality is not what we understood. Realism is what people conditioned onto us. We conceive reality, we reconstruct our perceived reality. We really don’t understand reality or even human that well.

People distract, mask and numb themselves from realities that they know are there and dare not pry into that abyss. In psychology, self-deception is that means of escapist methods that people use to protect themselves from feeling guilty and/or fear and uncertainty. By fabricating and positioning themselves into the systems of the world they are born into and made believed, they nudge themselves in the comfort of familiarity. Some know it is false security, but the questions are too painful to face, to bear and then to be responsible for. Commonly, people don’t deceive themselves intentionally but, subconsciously, their minds trick them into their psychological well being for daily functions. The busy man syndrome and the traditional, religious pride and values protection are examples to remain status quo and institutionalization into traditional and social norms. It is hard especially when leaving the system is ostracism and derision, and living the system is material comfort and familiarity.

It takes courage to face, bear and to be responsible for reality.

“Reality is often not what it appears to be.” — Pascal Blaise

Science and Wizardry

Science and technology evolves the walks of human history. It is wizardry on its own. I begin to set my sight on science and engineering. From the same insight, we can derive the very same principles to engineer own lives. While ideals inspire and ideas aspire, the will is bend to near breaking point from time to time. The will is what takes on life, and it is inspiration, whether religious or any values of altruism, that fuels its own existence.

Will, Wit, and The Way

More insights of what I realized about human as subject of their conditions around age 6. It is easier to set the conditions than to swim against the tide. Hence, we should work on the conditions to work on ourselves.

Virtues and Strategy

Being brutally honest with oneself is vital. You can offend many people, but you can sieve off and find the allies that you can grow progressively well together. When you corral the progressive time and events, you become another version of yourself. Waste no time, waste no youth. I understood this from age 4 upon knowing the mortality and transience of a mortal life. Be passionate, and be compassionate. Make each day significant, make each moment mount and compound. Live each day as if it is our last. Carpe de momentum.

The time you did not waste is the opportunity of fate you just created for yourself.

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool.” — Richard Feynman

Courage, Determination, Leadership, Integrity and The Will to Act

My sergeant once told me — “You sweat more in the training field, you bleed less in the training field. Mi’kail, soldiers sweat a bit, weep a bit, bleed a bit, never mind.”. The will to act is almost everything you need to put the situation under your own control.

Never say you don’t care. One of the strongest statement I heard from an officer is when he was yelling at a senior officer with his platoon gathered outside, he said — “Sir, I have to answer to my men!”

“A good soldier never leaves his men behind.” — Toy Story, 1995

We Are Our Own Prisoners and Tormentors

We are trapped by own minds.Even if we are released from our own physical bondage, we may rediscover that the fence had always been around our hearts.

“A close heart is a man’s worst prison” — Pope John Paul II

Never Say “I Don’t Care”

If someone truly do not care, s/he would not even care enough to say so. Saying I don’t care only means 2 harms.

#1. You declare your apathy, and earn the same, along with hatred from others.
#2. You already gave up on others, and it will be just in time, you will give up on yourself.

Toohey: “Mr. Roark, we’re alone here. Why don’t you tell me what you think of me? In any words you wish. No one will hear us.”
Roark: “But I don’t think of you.”

― Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

Likely, you don’t really mean it, what you could be saying is — “I am at wits end, and I am tired”.

Engineering and Philosophy

Engineering is not just knowledge, it is a character. One has to become an engineer to have that engineering instinct. It must become part of you, not what you know, but how you live. It is not merely what you are, but who you are or become.

“The easiest road out — usually leads back in.” — IEEE newsletter
“If we cut up an elephant, we don’t get 2 elephants. We get a dead one.” — Re: ‘Divide and Conquer’, IEEE newsletter
“They built an intelligent machine that works like a human. When something goes wrong, it immediately re-calculates the best way to blame the other machines.” — IEEE newsletter

Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups

Movie ‘I am a legend’ looks like a parable of a zombified world. We were already forewarned in the ‘Wizard of Oz’. Should I play Dolphus Raymond in ‘To kill a mocking bird’?

‘Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.’ — George Carlin

History: Past, Present, Future, Possibilities and Realities

History repeats because people do not know enough about history to not repeat it. People do not and cannot conceive possibilities to create it. If they don’t even think about it, they have no means to consider them as possible realities aside that they don’t even dare to think further. There is no starting notion to consider. And if people can perceive the possibility, but think it is infeasible or dare not entertain that uptake, they won’t even spend the next pack of energy to discuss and design it, not to say act on them. Hence, it becomes a Pygmalion of non-existence and immaterialism. There is physics in the relationship of energy and events.

The Mind and The Realm

We are likely not in love with the person, but the illusion and fantasy of the person we created for ourselves. We spell-bound ourselves in the curse of romance we set for ourselves, yet so intricate ethereally designed. We can get trapped in the intoxicating labyrinth of romance for years and never be able to find the way out, or even come to think that there is one.


We are confined by what what we defined. We cannot think of the things we don’t. We cannot unthink the things we do. Most of our thoughts are self-paralyzing, self-blinding and self-limiting. Learning, unlearning, re-learning. The 2nd is the hardest. We have to think the things we don’t, and dare the things we dare not.

“Mi’kail has Mi’kail’s problems because Mi’kail is Mi’kail, but what if — Mi’kail is not Mi’kail?” — Mi’kail

Systems change from place to place. Technology changes from time to time. If we get mind-lock on a paradigm, we cannot adapt for progress.

People Don’t Understand Themselves And The World Around Them

People don’t hate you. They don’t know you enough to hate you. They can’t hate what they do not know — they can only fear them.

People also do not know what they want, they only know what they do not want. They only pretend that they know. They really don’t know much. Everyone wants to succeed, everyone wants to be loved, but they don’t know how, and they are too foolish and lazy to realize that. Hence, they work to gain control and fear instead. This is the reason why the world is in such a turmoil today.

“Show me 1 person who wants to be a failure. Bring me 1 person who wants everyone to hate them.” — Mother to Mi’kail

It is dangerous, but the possible panacea may be to give people the chance they do not deserve. We can’t help them to understand, we can only help them to help themselves to discover it for themselves.

Illusion and Reality

Going back to the premise I learned around age 14, most of them can’t really handle life itself. They cannot teach what they do not know, worst of, they are pretending to teach you with the faulty ways they are handling life. The only way to make sure you do not know is to institutionalize you. Presenting themselves as high and mighty, if you can examine close enough, they are really vacuous.

The Questions Can be More Important than the Answers

The earlier you understand the emptiness and fullness of life, the more wisdom you can accrue to avert common follies. You don’t have to mull over the exhaustion of the search, it shouldn’t be an issue of discontentment, rather it should be the joy of being one with the secrets of nature. It’s not about finding the right answers, yet more to getting the right questions.

The materials are everywhere. When science is ready to make a discovery, nothing can stop it. Almost simultaneously, the idea will occur to lots of people … It is so simple once you ask the right question; only they are expecting the wrong answer. ― Outer Limits, Final Exam

No One Really Knows What They Are Talking About

Most people work all their lives for money, hardly anyone knows what money really is or how it really works. We dig deeper into the earth, cut the forest clean, poison the sea, and murder to plunder all that is needed to run our machines. People talk as if they know all about the economy, and when there is a fiasco, but when asked how the resources are just sitting there with no change in intrinsic nature while people starve to death in the Great Depression of 1929. Again, we see how charlatanry they really are with affected sophistry. We would prefer some honesty and integrity, and some earnesty to seek and study the truth. Likely again, we see none of those.

The worst thing in life is that your peace of mind depends on the approval or acknowledgement or recognition from another person or persons, most likely as clueless in life as you are.

What Your Mind Can’t See, Your Eyes Won’t

Possibilities are as real as what you dare to create. Don’t wait for things to happen, they rarely do.

What is not possible, may not be not the answer. — Mi’kail

Keep Going- No Matter What

There are times we want to give up. The sirens of hopelessness is hard to ignore. Our only plan is the Ulysses’ pact. It may be only that we can ride the storms, live to savor the beauty of heavenly stars, then the glamour of the breaking dawn, and we will realized — we have arrived at the seats in the banquet of gods. It is worth the ride.

You are not history yet. — Mi’kail

Systems and Labels are Made to Control Us

Many systems are not made with rationale, there is no why, only how. Many procedures are whimsical and no one questions the people in authority. Systems and labels are part of the institutionalization to regulate and contain people. They may not be malicious, but they are harmful, and likely irrelevant and meaningless. Titles and labels serve the same purpose. The L1 in one company defines it as the highest rank, but in another company it is the lowest. One principal level corporate position does not equate the other. The same way when the school ranks the students accordance to relative grading within the class, the best student of 1 class or school can be the worst in the other. The most foolish thing I have seen is failing a student based on the relative comparison, but when that student leaves for another school, s/he tops the cohort. The metrics are all wrong. We need a more scientific system, but most people are not scientifically competent enough.

Social Gospels are the Modern Day Superstition

We have too much social gospel today, and people are believing and following them blindly ad populum. Many of which came from common norms of `fake-feel-good` factors, (Ref: Common Bad Advice). Those social gospels become religious in their own way, and in the same way, if anyone challenges or even question it will be condemned and penalized subtly, but heavily.

The Universe is a Cruel Oracle

The Universe is a heartless Oracle, it has only 1 question — “Do you know the answer?”. Yes — you survive and thrive. No — you die. We can console ourselves with the most melodious songs and most poetic words, but none of those can bring back the dead. Only science can bring us salvation. The most violent debate cannot change the laws of physics.

You Must Know

You cannot judge properly what you cannot measure accurately.

One who is too muddled to arrest the flash and fade of aurora, the wax and wane of human civilization, the acceleration and deceleration of tectonic plates — subjects himself to imminent mayhem. — Mi’kail, Re: Words of Heaven, Man and Earth: Tales of Kismet

What you do not know will one day kill you. — Buddha

Democracy Has a Flaw (in Assumption)

Democracy or any system depends on the quality of the people. Most democratic societies are not ad logos, they are ad populum. If the people are selfish and ignorant, we only end up with a demagoguery. I realized much years ago, civilization depends on the quality of the people. Without it, no systems will work as promised. Even with poor systems, with quality people, may it be retroactive to the people, the system will self-correct under those people. The quality of people is key. Through my starting years, cultivation of people, starting from ourselves has been the focus for that very reason.

Immortality is a Scientific Possibility

There are creatures in this world that does not die of aging. It is termed as biological negligible senescence. Immortality is only 1 of the 4 scientific pursuit we should have as an advanced being, the next is invincibility, omniscience and omnipotence. I am unsure if I should include omnipresence for the aspiration of human to strive towards Type 5 civilization on the Kardashev Scale of Civilization. If so, we are targeting the Omega point.

It is Scientifically Divine to Think Beyond Yourself

If what we like and what is right is often the same, there are usually 2 possibilities, either we are divine, or we are so egoistically insane we cannot see beyond ourselves. The likelihood is the later. Parochialism is almost second nature for most people. It is hard to think beyond how they are conditioned. Most people think they have free-will, they really don’t. They aren’t even themselves. They are mere representations of what their societies, their religions, their creed, their ethnic groups, their nationalities, their cultures want them to be and to behave. Racism, for example, is not merely a discrimination against another race, but as well, it is a preference of one’s own. Yet most people are unaware of it, and even if they do, they have great difficulties unlearning it. They think they are choosing, but they are merely reacting to the reflexive thinking conditioned upon them.

It is almost insane to not think like oneself, and a feat to unfetter oneself and re-program the mind … to truly gain back that control. But if they can think beyond themselves, they will be truly free, because a real free human are not confined from the start. They will be able to design and re-design themselves from what was formerly set for them. We should all re-check our default settings.

Racism, for example, is not merely a discrimination against another race, but as well, it is a preference of one’s own. — Mi’kail

Thinking Is Only The First Step, Re-wiring The Mindset Is The Decisive Move

One cannot get into a mental state easily by mere thinking, it has to be drummed in by doing along with the paradigm shift.

If And While You Are Not Progressing, Make Things Easier For Progress

Pave the way. If things are not as desired or designated, craft your tools, refine your skills and abide the time. Do not wait, do not halt. Under the hood, keep fallow the grounds, and when the opportunity knocks, some of those things will come in the most masterful handy way as if it is magic. Opportunity is court and seduced by the prepared. Keep going, some of them — you never know is just the right `Kairos` for that right moment.

Confidence Requires Evidence

You have to build the case over time to win it. Respect requires warrant, you have to earn it. All requires works, not words.

Even by Not Doing, It is also Learning Not to Do

The brain re-wires under neuroplasticity. If we keep on doing what we do, it will finally give us a neuro-highway for fast reflexive connectivity, as it adapts for efficiency for common use. Hence, whatever we do, or do not, teaches it and hard-wires it in the long term.

Experiencing It Does Not Mean Understanding It

Words confuse us, feeling deludes us. The false sense of understanding perpetuate our ignorance, and subject us to perdition until we finally get the crux of the resolution. All feelings can be framed by words, but truly apprehending it is a neurological conditioning which is still determined by neurological construction. We have to affect our hardwiring.

The Unknowns That We Do Not Know, When Uncovered, Can Re-write Our Fate

We have to over area (crux) and direction (perspective) in life meticulously. If we fail to see a direction, we don’t even know that perspective exist; and if we miss an area, the crux becomes an unknown that we have to be penalized heavily for. Our ignorance can be a heavy price to pay for, it is never bliss. No matter how much the social gospel tries to comfort themselves, ignorance is pernicious blindness. The folly can be further be deepen by self-inflicted crippling with bigotry.

The 2 blind spots, both when uncovered, are leverages that twist the flow of fate. Capture perspective and crux, when formalized and formulated into premises, they become lore.

To illuminate the benighted minds, the questions are more important than the answers. They guide you to the perspectives and cruxes. They lead you to the answers as well. The ‘why’ will lead you to the ‘what’ and ‘how’. Hence, questions shape and direct our thinking. It becomes our intent. Intent writes our fate. Therein, it becomes us.

To Contain The Situation, We Need A Bigger Realm

From the lives of the great and mediocre, from the tales of the victorious and miserable, all mortal existence is transient and trivial. Remove everything and a chapter remains unwritten. Space tells a tale of possibility, but we fail to see the Zen of that space. We lose the mind over the matter. Our situation was lost in the situation. We became the prisoners within a given time and space. We became that limited mind within the given story. We take the form of our given names and live within the given norms. Time gave us the chains, we build a mental cage.

To find the paradigm to the solution to contain our situations, we have to find a bigger Russian doll. Most of the times, we cannot break out of that bubble, but we can expand it, and we have to borrow it beyond our current awareness and/or current ethos and Zeitgeist (`Spirit of time`) of our awareness.

Be less distracted with trivial mortal affairs, and you will break the mortal curse and blinding spell of human delusions, and stand in the midst of the gods observing.

The Answer Is Likely What We Are Not Thinking Of

While this may seem obvious, and yet senseless or unthinkable to think what we do not think of, it is precisely that paradoxical dilemma. The void is the conditions unmet. When we have the factors in its Kairos, the state emerges. Fate, therein, is a machine of states.

We are not in the state of the context that has not happened, therefore, it is not. As well, the state of the context has not happened, therefore, we are not. We don’t think of the context because we are not in it. The context cannot be manifested because we do not think. While the context may be more determinant, we are part of the determinant vectors. We are all part of nature, and nature governs the physics of fate.

We Cannot See The Answer, Because We Are Not Ready To Ask The Question

Humans will continue to look in the wrong room until they exhaust the search space in that room, realizing the answer was never there. Only when they had to stop and ask “what if it is not here?” and look at the next context space — a formerly unnoticed dimension will then be revealed and the tide will start to change.

Bigotry Is A Deadlier Disease Than What We Thought We Understood

Cancer, we can find medical agents to kill. Bigotry, with the toughest agent like aging and death, can still, frighteningly, resurrect.

We Have All Been Pavlovianly Given And Indoctrinated With An Incomplete And Wrong Version Of Reality

We are taught what to value and which to prefer. We are trained what to value and with whom we will likely marry. We are programmed to toil the mills of the factory and trade ourselves for trivial existence. We kick into reflex of chasing and feeding a system and maintain that chains of assembly line and cage of traditional beliefs. Schools have prepared us for the factory, and cultures keep us inline, only yet to inherit the fetters and the hamster wheel.

We let it dictate our fate. The conclusion and path is set to be shepherded and sealed right from the start. We graduate in ranks and perpetuate the imprinting, sealing everyone’s destiny to a certain folly.

To be not confined to the fate subjected by the Zeitgeist you are born in, project yourself out of that time, no matter what !

命运是有根柢, 有穴位的.

The Ability To Reason Is A Neurological Faculty

The ability to reason is not just something one can do just because s/he is willing to, though willingness is a strict criteria, it is an acquired faculty which needs to build that neurologic facility. You cannot reason with someone or make that person understand that reason when s/he lacks that ability even when s/he may be willing to, and that lack itself may be the very reason why s/he is unable to be willing to reason with. S/he will not because s/he cannot.

Similarly, people are hardwired to like or dislike something. If the hardware is lacking, it has to be acquired, therein, it is an acquired faculty. You cannot force a software to run on a hardware that is missing. You can bring someone to Mary’s room, but it does not mean s/he can `see` what is in that room.

My cousin warned me — “你永远叫不醒在装沉睡的人” (You will never be able to wake someone who is pretending to sleep.), then I realized “你永远叫不醒意识根本不在场的人” (You will never be able to wake someone who is not even available and valid to be considered conscious.).

There is no point of discussion if the person(s) you are discussing with 1. ... has very narrow band knowledge of history and limited span of awareness. 2. ...has already made up his/her own mind to convince you in a pursuit of victory instead of a learning session of exploration and discovery to augment awareness and perspectives, and shift paradigm.3. ... lack the depth in thinking, i.e. the ability and skills to process logic due to the lack of training, having under-developed or undeveloped neurological faculty.4. ... lack the basic knowledge, methodologies and/or tools, e.g. statistical analysis, data processing to mine for insights (or even the inability to interpret data harvested, processed or mined)."""
I labored for years to bring the light, only to hear the blind saying “we can’t (won’t) see”. - Mikail

We Should Not Conclude

Our awareness should always grow and augment. Discoveries constantly shape and reshape our understanding. Therein, our understanding is never complete nor final. The truth complete is exclusive to the divine, and would we reach there at our Omega Point?

Overdrafting From The Future

We are only designed to adapt for the local maximal gains and local minimal loss for the context we live in. This only focuses the resource for building parochial context. We have to go beyond those limits to transcend beyond our context.

透支未来: Overdrafting from the future

One Day, Our Past Will Become — Irrelevant

Aluminum used to be more costly than gold. The cost of mining gave it a higher price. The things we held in the past may one day become likewise. The way to work it forward is to make `transparent aluminum`. We have to become the alchemist of fate.

If our past does not make sense or start `disappearing`, we can lose the purchase and `step empty`. Our past is made up of values which we interpret with stories and relate with the people in our past who may have departed. Our present will lose its bearings, and the night goes `starless`. We cannot grasp anything with the things we brought from the past to relate. We are unsure how to continue to navigate into the future, and we may not see ourselves there. It is where we keep revising the past. The future cannot find a purpose with the reasons we brought from the past, and we became unsure and hesitant of the steps in our present. The reference model is obsolete. Now we cannot get it out of our heads.

Our reality has epi-reality. It depends how we read and interpret them. The future is malleable depending on how you interact with the `Oracle of life` and for it to requite and respond to you with its circuitry of Kismet.

What if the future circuitry has their own epigenetics of events — depending on how we read and interpret them?

Hell Is When There Is No Heart Behind The Might

It is the easiest when you are in a high position to network downwards, then when you are at the low position to network upwards or even peer-wards. Only when we are strong, we earn our own self-esteem and dignity. It is never easy to “ask up”, it is always easy to “ask down”. When you are in the position and authority, use it to help others. When you are down, you will know who are real.

There is no right, and you have no rights, if you have no might. Might is the only answer. It is the only thing you need. It is both tragic and frightening when the might is in the hands of those who have no empathy.

Power is the first step to assume in order to claim authority over a desire. - 1997–04.19

When you are down and out, you are a street comic fool - a social comedian. When you are high and mighty, even a jester is crowned as a king - an honorary genius. The same message that is disdained as a jest is now hail as a gospel. - 2023–07.16

Beware The Un-thinkable

The most insidious way nature can kill us - is to poorly equip us with vulnerable mental faculties that are unsound and incomplete from the start. - 2023-09.02

How do we re-invent a mind we cannot conceive of? - 2023-09.02

Control Always Comes Before Command

Control always comes before command, not the other way round, though too commonly misbelieved to be so. Bruteforce and brutality may gain control by intimidation in the short run, but you pay a terrible price later.

Control should come before command, the. One can effectively command the control. - 2023–11.01

… to be continued…



Mi'kail Eli'yah
Mi'kail Eli'yah

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