Journal On Simple Moments Of Epiphany

Weaving The ​​Filaments Of Hope

Mi'kail Eli'yah
19 min readJun 8, 2023

Do 1 thing hard everyday.

Start small. Start from somewhere. If you cannot do the designated 100%, at least do 1/10 of it. You get close to that one after 10 days. Keep hitting the bell, not throwing the towel.

Dare 1 thing everyday.

Courage is not inborn for most of us. The lack of it compromises and undermines us. Courage is grown and cultivated. Many times, we miss 100% of the shots we never took. It could have been just that 1 shot if only we did it. Dare it. Do it. Start now. Start from somewhere. Start and keep going. Move one step forward everyday. Some steps are reusable and it can be the answer the future may be asking.

Dare the Superman within you. Dare immortality. Dare to dare immortality — if you dare.

"Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said. 'One can't believe impossible things.'

I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as 6 impossible things before breakfast. There goes the shawl again!"
― Lewis Carroll

I hope those who derided me for my 'futuristic delusion' in the past, will not be subjected to the amnesia of their insults in the years to come. - 2018-07.21

Having that singular bloodthirsty killer instinct for that one ultimate purpose, one may be unstoppable. - 2007-12.28

Understand what `moves` you.

Understand the `why` you must do, because once the driving factor is absent, you may cease to move or act.

The pain point is not enough. It has to be intense, severe and now. — 2023-06.16

Do not repeat the mistake twice.

Mistakes are costly and wasteful, and even more foolish to be penalized twice. They bleed away our time, energy, resources and injured our morale. Keep the resources for more vital hits. Learn from the mistakes of others to compound against your odds of reaching your targets faster and more efficiently.

Look closer.

There are some smart people encoding messages in movies and literature but the common people don’t read them. Many a times, the answers are all around us and right before us. They are talking to us all the time, but we look right through and past them.

99.99% of the people do not bring their brains to the movies. - 2012–03.11

To find universal within all the mass of particulars, we have to go beyond the garland of words. - 2003-03.09

The shape shifting flight of murmuration is the hint of the mechanics of swarm intelligence in play. - 2016-03.24

Much treasures lie buried with the ancients. - 2000-10.03

Find the time between space.

Time, space, energy are 3 factors of power. We require space to let anxiety dissolve. We require space for anger to pass. We require space to launch power. We require space to extend and expand. We require time for repair and recovery. We are required to draw a source of energy for transfer and direct it to create certain effects.

In crisis, when all else are not working, always — always — always remain your sangfroid.

Conduct and conduce.

D.O.S.E. There are 3 neuro-chemistry topics that I am trying to gather that are responsible for confidence, fun and love (I am talking about consanguinity between people). Cultivating confidence, bonding consanguinity and conducing fun are 3 concoctions in an empowering life.

Do the orthogonal.

When the obvious is not working, always ask what is something that is not thought of — yet. The answer is often what we are not thinking about.

If you can't find it, induce it to find you. - 2017–02.07

I would recommend teaching about truth that is unpalatable not ala to teaching a foreign language, rather it should be conducted as a session of cross-examination for people to discover them for themselves. - 2003-03.06

If you cannot fight it or resolve it, recycle it.

There are problems you may not be able to solve yet. Log it. Don’t forget it. There are difficulties you cannot overcome yet. Realize they are oracles of puzzles to innovation and possible breakthroughs. There are weaknesses that may be plaguing you. Realize that they are likely common vulnerabilities which you can weaponize for defense. Turn the situation around, by turning the question back against fate itself. This is a Herculean labors against the game of fate.

If you can't avoid using it, find a way to entice it to work for you, unknowningly or willingly (7 sins) or helplessly. - Re: Defeating Reverse Turing Test: Borrowing/ Enticing/ Buying the dagger, 2007-01.09

There are times that works should not be completed, as a mark to indicate extensibility and modifiability. Perfection is an evolutionary and ever-"perfecting" process, not a state.. - Re: Wabi-sabi, The Art of Incompleteness, 2012-11-29

How to understand the ecology of time?
“A seed of prosperity is often hidden inside the husk of misfortune.”
如时不当, 离时,
如势不当, 离势,
如形不当, 离形,
知命, 修命, 补命, 离命, 破命, 造命
- 2015-11.15
1. Lessons From The 12 labors of Hercules
2. The Problems of Life as the 12 Labours of Hercules

Pick up flowers and curios along the way.

Let serendipity be your companion. Keep gather and garnering the resources which will tool your way forward.

The most beautiful and deepest experience a man can have is the sense of the mysterious. It is the underlying principle of religion as well as of all serious endeavors in art and science. He who never had this experience seems to me, if not dead, then at least blind. To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is a something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly: this is religiousness. In this sense I am religious. To me it suffices to wonder at these secrets and to attempt humbly to grasp with my mind a mere image of the lofty structure of all there is. - Albert Einstein, "My Credo", 1932

Always be creating.

You never know what you will be creating next. One creation and become a stepping stone for the next. One creature you create can beget the next.

Always be tooling.

The ancient who built their structures did not merely brute-force the boulders. It will be a Sisyphus’ effort if not just wasteful. Tooling is a means to create the pivot before you can move the earth. Machine your fate twister.

Always be exploring.

Do not waste your time on argument, but put those calories to discovery. The next hit could mean something while the noise continues to rave at your background. I hope people will be willing to listen.

People, I think you should take a look at this …

"All of you are fools! There is no such thing as an elephant", the blind denier, groping around frustratedly in the air, obdurately avered.
The blind argue among themselves, each asserting their own divine. The elephant may exist, but by not comprehended as what it is, while the blind indulge in tenuous, insular debate.
- Re: Allegory on limited point of view, 2001-09.19

Do not burn your emotional fuel.

Beware of leaks and bleed. Do not waste your energy on frustration. Let that guide you out of the way of mayhem and harm.


Good or bad, desirable or undesirable, absorb them for now. If you burning fuel to deny or resist, you are not likely to get anywhere that will help with the situation. You don’t have to accept, that does not mean you have to wrestle the hog. Put your energy somewhere else to find means to shift it out of the way. Plan and design its mortality. Fighting it fruitlessly when it is at its strongest prime is unwise, and you will burn off and burn out before you can continue the game.

You may or may not be right in believing, it may or may not be true, but sometimes … just sometimes, you deserve and reserve the right to believe. - 2010–10.07

Do not destroy anything you have no means to reconstruct. - 2012-06.25

Recognize the factors of success.

When I was writing my journals on securing protocols, I realized the same principles applied to organizations operations. Logic interlocks upon itself and forms a system of working structure.

Every state requires conditionals to transit to that state, once the state is reached, there is usually a timing not to be missed before it rushes off to the next state. Ensure the right conditionals are there to create the conditions to guide it to the desired goal state. - 2017-07.28

Like in the circuits, initial conditions may form forcing steady state later.

Understand the characteristic equation(s) - precompute ... look-ahead ... with the initial seed. - 2009-09.29

Knowing the state, does not mean we know the sequence and timing of the flow. - 2013-03.20

Express the parameters in its derivative, in derivative relative to other parameters, as well as integrals and exponential forms. Intermingle new derivatives and observe its behavior symbiotically, as well as autonomously by separation and isolation. - 2005-01.13

Traversing through groping the process is not as efficient as holding the properties, for it is the genes that govern the generation. - On computing systems, situations and scenarios (roots and rudiments), 2003-03-22

Counterexamples can be formed when the factors in some instances (manufactured scenarios/ exceptions) get canceled out or invalidated, transgressing standing conditions or definitions. - 2013-12.01

The same occurs on the other journal on the thoughts from the teachings of my mentors, which dated back to the lessons my grandfather and father had given me.

When you pull a bow, ensure there is a serviceable arrow (or an arrow exists in the first place), and a well-grounded target. - 2007–05.20

When the premises are self-inductive and self-interlocking, then may the logic be tenably self-evidentiary. - Re: The unbreakable chain/ formation, 2005-07.12

The lore of the unbreakable chain may be extended to military formations, laying of strategic plans, to formalizing a machine design. - Re: The quest for the lore of the unbreakable chain/ formation, 2005-07.12

As well as in engineering solutions:

Bad engines are noisy, friction-causing, mercurial and much ado at nothing. Good engines are energy conservative; they run smooth and quiet with high performance work done. - 2003-03.23

When the timing is not sharp, the focus is diluted and blurred. - Re: GPS 4th satellite on the triangulation/ Strategy and tactics, 2005-12.26

Even principles derived from martial arts:

The error of equilibrium of strength and stability is usually corrected by less than the strength of a finger, because the error propagates exponentially downwards before pivot point (at the ankles). - Re: Error of equilibrium of strength and stability, 2003-05.12

They formulate themselves and become a way of life.

There are a few things we should always be careful in disclosing :
1. How much power we have, (dynamism)
2. How many alternatives we know, (mobility)
3. How much support, equipment, means and resources (eg. money) are in our possession (stability)
4. How willing or the kind of tendency and channels we have (flexibility)
5. Where we will be and what we are going to do (precision)
- Re: 定,动,移,力,确 (dìng, dòng, yí, lì, què), 2010–03.24

The 6th law is what I termed as sensitivity or visibility. It is the factor that either side is able to fathom and/ or predict each other's move. The one who gains higher sensitivity (towards himself and the opponent) and remains lower visibility gains the lethal vantage. - 2007–05.27

Get the crux, not the cursory

There is a difference between discipline, obedience and understanding. The first rule God set upon humans was not to eat the fruit of knowledge, it was set not as a constraint but a test. Humans imitate God by setting rules, chaining themselves to them. They were confused with the intention and the word.

The verse, Genesis 2:18, occurs before God made woman, and after this line, God brought the animals, not woman, and so many people are twisting it to suit their romantic hallucination about marriage. - 2003-12.01

You cannot hire people to love you — it has to be who they are. It has to be their nature right from the seed. — 2023–08.10

Know the defined, un-defined and under-defined.

Beware of the unknown. Possibilities lie in wait.

What is not definite ... can be infinite. - 2011-09.07

Beware the un-thinkable.

The most insidious way nature can kill us - is to poorly equip us with vulnerable mental faculties that are unsound and incomplete from the start. - 2023-09.02

How do we re-invent a mind we cannot conceive of? - 2023-09.02

Proactive empathy, proactive hope engineering

I always ask my students:

1. What have you tried?
2. How hard have you tried on them?
3. What have you not done — which you should?

The same way when they fault on others. I asked similar questions, and I ask:

1. How well do you know them? Do you know their stories? 
2. What and who made them who they are?
3. What can you provide for them to change their stories - to make better versions of themselves?

The central idea and principle is to re-focus and direct the energy from fruitless fault and blame to re-direct them to progressive actions. Analysis must be done, however, we have to reserve the time and energy to create the synthesis to make that progress. This is the very law of managing energy to meaningful event design and creation. This is how we engineer and weave possibilities.

Abraham: The question would be, how do you find it within people ...

Me : You don't, you hardly find them well-developed, you have to grow them within - with them.

- Re: Empathy, 2011-09.26
Me: Many people are weeping this night in untold misery as we speak. We must gear up ourselves to be bigger than our situations, so that we can pull them out of their darkness. Misery is a disease. People deserve better lives. We will find that answer.

Frank D.: My mother said something in a post today along those lines, saying "no one is promised a rose garden". It drives me crazy so many people think along those lines.

Me: Tell her - "build one, don't just sit down there. We have an Eden to grow !

- 2015-01.18

The shepherd puts others before himself, he leads from the back. - 2001-11.30

One of the reasons why I have so many patents is because … I pen down and innovate on other people’s problems.

When someone is unfed, unclothed, unwarmed, unwell, my sleep is disturbed. - 2013-10.24

Don't bring work home, bring other people's concerns home. - 2013-11.12

I am telling you a fact, we don’t have that time. People like to congratulate you, I prefer to have you prepared for the real blessing. Be a well do-er, not a well-wisher. Don’t be a vacuous resounding wishing well.

Don’t expect people to live up to it, but let them surprise you.

It is perhaps true that some warm-hearted people have `messiah syndrome`. Human sufferings are too loud for them. They feel their pain vicariously and poignantly, akin an autistic person magnifying the sound around him. However, it is equally disturbing that many people seem to suffer from `emotional autism`. They can’t feel the pain and sufferings of others.

Power attracts people but the entailing, enduring pain, struggles, and perseverance can readily repel them, they will eventually fall into romancing religion. - Ursa's Law of Attraction, 2002-09.05

I want to thank the demagogue, because of him, I realize I never knew the people. Now, I do. - 2016-05.03

Why should someone align themselves with what they previously aligned with, unless they have adopted a false persona?

Why should one gibe with what s/he used to jibe with? Unless s/he had adopted a fictitious self. - Re: A sudden change in perspective? Or has the vindictive behavior and vitriolic and vituperative challenge always exist and suppressed?, 2006-11.19

Hear what they say. See what they do. - Ursa

Know and cherish thy friends.

How do you know if you are with the right people? Hear what they say, see what they do. Adversities are a good litmus. You can’t know them in good times. You need the situation to `see` them — the `real them`.

路遥知马力, 日久见人心 (lù yáo zhī mǎ lì, rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn): "Strength of a horse is revealed on a long journey. (路遥知马力)" This phrase implies that the true ability or capacity of a person or thing becomes apparent through challenges and prolonged efforts. It suggests that it takes time to truly understand someone's capabilities. "True character is seen over time. (日久见人心)" This phrase conveys the idea that it takes a considerable amount of time to truly know someone's character or intentions. Only through prolonged interactions and observations can one understand the true nature of a person.

路危,日难,显人心 (lù wēi, rì nán, xiǎn rén xīn): can be understood as a variant or alternative expression with a similar meaning. It emphasizes that when the road is dangerous or the days are difficult, people's true character becomes apparent. It suggests that challenging situations bring out the real qualities and intentions of individuals.

It takes years to build friendship and 1 night to destroy it. - 1999-11.01

I have never exiled anyone from my heart. - 2001-11.19

We are at certain places because of belief, because we believe we can, and because someone believes in us. - 2012-10.18

Cherish the right people, they don’t come by easily. Relationships that are grown and baptized by adversities cannot be bought. They are purchased by weaving stories together with life experiences you made with them.

A brush with death a few times had reminded me a few times enough to thank the people who had made that difference in my life, before you get cut off of that channel to tell them anymore. - 2015-12.17

God really wants to thank you for your effort but he doesn't know how to express it... so he sent me. - Serene, 2001-11.04

Keep hope alive.

Don’t turn back too early, there is always a way at the most remote and hidden corner. - Re: Thoughts at a dead end/ cul-de-sac, 1990
Frank D.: Even a little step is still a step.
Brendan G.: But sometimes 1 step forward takes you 2 steps back.And sometimes you do not pass go, do not collect $200.Me: Brendan, you have to at least leave Day '0'. - 2015-01.19

Retain happiness and righteous innocence.

While both naivety and innocence describe a lack of knowledge or experience, they have distinct connotations and implications. Innocence, here, refers to a state of purity or lack of wrongdoing. It implies a lack of malice or harmful intent. An innocent person is often seen as someone who is morally upright, free from guilt, and untainted by the complexities of the world. Innocence is to be associated with a childlike or uncorrupted nature. The unblemished virtue here is — righteous innocence.

A show of hands of those who are often asked to "grow up". Well, my answer .... "you go ahead". - 2012-10.18


Tend to your core values where your working principles are born from. If you keep changing your words, your paths hold no grounds. Root what you say and ensure the principles are valued, and never compromised for any price or deformed for sale.

C.D.: "There is no point in having any declaration."
Me: "Most agree, where there is no integrity nor courage, any words will end in nonentity."
(long silence ... )
- 2006-08.12

Discover, understand yourself, and …

In the depths of a somber night, as I grappled with the formidable challenges of mathematics, an oppressive cloud of depression hung over me, suffocating my every thought. Each equation I attempted to solve seemed to mock my feeble efforts, taunting me with its insurmountable complexity. Desperately seeking solace amidst this mental turmoil, I sought refuge in a familiar ritual: playing a collection of melodic tunes as my backdrop for academic pursuits.

Yet, on this particular night, a peculiar revelation unexpectedly pierced through the haze of desolation that engulfed me. Momentarily abandoning my mathematical struggles, I surrendered myself to the captivating melodies flowing through my speakers. In that introspective interlude, I embarked on a curious investigation, meticulously cataloging the musical compositions that serenaded my solitude. Astonishingly, I discovered that a staggering eight out of every ten songs resonating from the radio waves were melancholic ballads of love lost and unrequited desires.

This epiphany, as unexpected as it was profound, ignited a spark of insight within me. Intrigued by the correlation between the melancholic symphonies and my arduous battle with numbers, I decided to embark on a brief respite from the confines of my study den. Taking to the corridor, I allowed my restless footsteps to guide me along the dimly lit path, allowing my thoughts to wander in tandem.

In the midst of this nocturnal sojourn, clarity began to seep into my consciousness like a distant dawn illuminating the darkest of skies. It dawned upon me that the constant barrage of sorrowful melodies had unwittingly ensnared my mind in a web of despondency, making the already formidable mathematical challenges insurmountable. The weight of each sad love song had inadvertently overshadowed my cognitive faculties, stifling any chance of success in my academic pursuit.

Fuelled by an impulsive surge of frustration, I resolved to sever the ties that bound me to the sorrowful radio station emanating from my dormitory. With a resolute stride, I embarked upon an act of defiance, unplugging the accursed radio from its power source and casting it aside, as if expelling a malevolent force from my sanctuary of learning.

In the ensuing silence, an astonishing transformation began to unfold. Liberated from the melancholic melodies that had held me captive, my mind found respite. The mathematical conundrums that had once seemed insurmountable now appeared as mere puzzles to be deciphered. It was as if the removal of the radio had exorcised the demons of desolation, allowing my cognitive prowess to regain its full potential.

From that fateful night forward, I understood the significance of the environments in which we immerse ourselves. Like a delicate ecosystem, our mental landscape is intricately intertwined with the stimuli we allow to infiltrate our senses. The power of music, as both a source of solace and a catalyst for emotional upheaval, had been laid bare before my eyes.

In the annals of my academic journey, this episode would forever be etched as a turning point, a testament to the profound impact our surroundings can wield upon our state of mind. With newfound wisdom, I ventured forth, armed with the knowledge that even in the face of overwhelming challenges, a careful curation of our surroundings can embolden our spirits and unlock the dormant potential within us.

And so, I ventured forth into the realm of academia, my heart no longer burdened by sorrowful melodies, but pulsating with the harmonious rhythm of optimism and resilience.

- 1997

Emotion is poison. - 1999-02.15

Go beyond yourself.

To be beyond yourself, you have to think beyond yourself. If you are blinded to all that there is and you let your preferred be the ultimate divine benchmark and reference, it will become your most fatal bondage.

The greatest spirits diminish themselves. - 2012-09.14

You realize you have no ego when you do not see a reflection as you pass by the mirror. - 2014-07.02

Rediscover reality …

Michael Roach, the author of `The Diamond Cutter`, once asked:

Here at the pen. If I show this to the dog, what will they do with it? They will see this as something to chew. Who is correct? The human or the dog? You can say both are correct. To the human, this is a pen. To the dog, it is a chew toy. If I leave this thing here, and all the dogs and all the humans go out of the room. At that moment, what is this thing? Pen or a chew toy?

What if things are not as good or bad as we think? What if things are as good or bad as we think them to be? What if things are as good or bad as we `decide` them to be? — 2023–06.17

Wash the dishes, but don’t get yourself tainted. — Re: conversation with Klemo, 2001–11.22

I make mountains into mole hills, I become giant. — depressed and hungry, 2001–11.27

Most people who are doing well aren’t really `doing well`, they are presenting well and recognized well. We have to understand `success` in 2 contexts:
(1) being socially endorsed and supported, and
(2) technically operative (as compared to what cannot be attained in technical sense).

Indeed, the first context gives you access to the awards and rewards from the society. It has more to do with what matters to other people, especially in the way they perceive it. It even gives you access to resources and awards you with titles. Hence, it does seem more real, but what (the physical objects or possessions) to which you can get. However, does it not matter more to what you can do or know versus what you cannot or don’t understand as the real and concrete progress? How does what you achieve shape you?

Instead of letting the applause giving you the false sense of achievement and distracting from real enablement and empowerment of what you can do against what you can’t, gaining an extra pound of muscle, gaining an extra control of the cerebral cortex, being faster, stronger, smarter, kinder, we allow ourselves to be emotionally distracted and hijacked by the loudness of applause from the people? True enough, these does not seem `more real`, because we are so concerned if people can constantly remind us of it, but they don’t even notice. Hence, even we, ourselves are misdirected to `give reality` to what other people would give significance to. That is, our reality, our mind, is governed by the mass instead of our autonomous own.

It is hard to let go of the ego and gains of material ease, but perhaps, we should ask ourselves, how should we really re-see `success` independent of how others recognize it and they would reward you as their Parlov’s dog. Zhuang Zi once reminded us — Don’t lose yourself in the crowd, starting from your mind.

Life is not merely an issue of emotions, nor trivial relationships, but missions. Death makes you contemplate more profoundly about that. Humans are Organic Meaning Maker Machines. We are here to create value, and build self-worth, not net-worth.

The diuturnity of success of evolution stands witness for the numinous. It strongly evinces that Nature seems to be paving towards harmonious perfection, albeit rather painfully. Our work in place is to minimize suffering.

What you invited, you shall be visited, but it depends on how you receive. - 2002-09.30

Tao - both wholistic and partial. - 2003-05.25

One of deepest fears is that when we are old, one by one leaves, leaving us alone with the memories, and that is all that is left. - 2018-06.03

… to be continued …

