The Walk Towards Utopia: Summation

Chapter 13: Summation

Mi'kail Eli'yah
4 min readAug 21, 2022

This thesis is dedicated to Every human who dreams of a better life and a better world for themselves and their children.

An overnight stop in Tarbet, Loch Lomond in Scotland, and an early-morning trek with dogs Oscar and Ollie up Cruach Tairbeirt revealed this beautiful misty scene to Vince Campbell.

Diacatholicon — `The Century Lamp Principle`

In the process of re-engineering himself, such as to attain a completeness of an individual, the subject self-empowers. The concept works towards attaining an ecumenical communion of all mankind, transcending all boundaries. In elevation of the individual to group symbiosis, it pushes for the completeness of the entire human civilization. The principle is to strive to complete an individual through helping the subject to help another in the strife, to assist in completing another fellow human, and in the process attain compounded elevation at macro-level — Homo-Sapiens to Utopian Homo-Aretes.

While endeavoring to get solutions right, we must not forget about human rights, welfare, well-being and empowerment to transcendental excellence, which was why all these are started in the first place.

This is in endeavor to lead the people out of the darkness of sufferings to their promised land which they will construct together. The spirit of miracle workers shall live on. This may read like a Panchreston, yet the Catholicon is simple, however, it takes perspicacity to understand why we must do this early. If sin were to be decomposed, it would be made of 2 components — selfishness and stupidity. Their sinfulness roots from selfishness (bigotry with drunk emotions) and stupidity (ignorance). Humans would have excel compounded with common good, but they curse and trap each other in the tragedy of the commons. Humans have squandered needless, told sufferings on narrow-minded myopia, and the earlier they understand how they are living it wrong, the earlier they can live that possibility to break the first dawn of an advanced civilization.

Would we have that moral courage to cross over to paradise?

— 2002–07.23

Philosophy is the modeling and explanation of possibilities to bring humanity to be horizon of the unthinkable. - 2008-07.17While we think that legends are the myths of the past, what if they are parablical visions of hope and caution for the future? - Re: It was never over, but the yet to be, 2020-12.25

Imagine a realm so vast, so incomprehensibly enormous, that it stretches beyond the wildest limits of our imagination: the observable universe, spanning a staggering 46 billion light years in every direction. This distance, mind-bending in its enormity, represents the edge of what we can observe from Earth, not because it is the true boundary of the universe, but because light from anything further away hasn’t had time to reach us since the beginning of time.

Consider the sheer scale: a light year, the distance light travels in one year, is nearly 6 trillion miles. Multiply that by 46 billion. It’s a number so large that it loses meaning in our everyday context. It dwarfs any human achievement, any collective endeavor we’ve ever undertaken. And within this cosmic expanse lie billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars, with planets orbiting many of them, potentially harboring life in forms we cannot even begin to fathom.

This vastness is not just a spectacle but a profound reminder of the immense probability space it represents. Every star, every planet, every particle of dust is part of a grand cosmic tapestry woven across space and time. The probability that somewhere out there, in this near-infinite expanse, exists phenomena and life forms beyond our wildest dreams is not just high; it’s almost a certainty. Yet, here we are, confined to our tiny blue dot, caught in the mundane routines of our daily lives.

We, as a species, are like monkeys in a cage, fixated on the small and immediate, oblivious to the grand cosmic dance that surrounds us. We waste our fleeting moments in trivial pursuits, consumed by petty conflicts and superficial desires, all the while the universe beckons us to explore its mysteries. Our ignorance, simian in its simplicity, is not just a waste; it is a tragedy.

We have within us the spark of curiosity, the drive to understand, the capability to reach out and touch the stars. Yet we squander it, letting our potential slip away. The time has come to shake off this ignorance, to awaken to the reality that lies beyond our immediate perception.

The universe, with all its vastness, is not merely a poignant spectacle to be admired from afar. It is a call to action, a challenge to rise above our primitive instincts and embrace the pursuit of knowledge and exploration. It is an invitation to step beyond the familiar and to uncover the secrets that have eluded us for eons.

In this vast probability space, we have the potential to transcend our origins, to evolve from simian ignorance into beings of cosmic understanding. Let us not waste our lives in darkness. Let us seek the light of knowledge, explore the unknown, and fulfill our destiny as explorers of the cosmos.



Mi'kail Eli'yah
Mi'kail Eli'yah

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