The Walk Towards Utopia: Evolution of Utopia

Chapter 08: Evolution of Utopia

Mi'kail Eli'yah
4 min readAug 16, 2022

This thesis is dedicated to Every human who dreams of a better life and a better world for themselves and their children.

A Journey Of A Thousand Li Starts A Single Step

Any belief, no matter how scientific or philosophical, is religious. Any belief if not understood, no matter how badly cherished or deep-rooted established, is superstition. Any institution that purports a belief that is unreasonable is cultish, the followers are ignorant, if not bigots. The constitution of these organizations or movement is the breeding beds of social malice, and the cancerous venom to the foundation of Utopia.

All religions should stop wasting resources on theological differences, they are all leads to no fruits and therefore irrelevant and immaterial. Instead, they should prove themselves worthy to the construction of Utopia. For now, the world has cheap words and untestifiable preachings of the promise land ad nauseam. Every religion adheres to their selfish agenda of working Utopia their own way, instead of a colluded effort for Humanity, other than their own ego. In a clearer sense, is their agenda proving that their God is right, or they are right about God. Since when did God appoint them to make His judgment? What might be more convincing is that this God would want them to work against themselves and dare their commitment on self-perfection and emulate his unfailing compassion. In strive for perfection, to be godly in our mortal body; the Utopia is the co-creation we can give to the divine giver they want to believe in.

The thesis places a caveat on any disfavor with regards to private corporations; however, it is hard to deny that the very nature of a capitalistic pursuit is pathological pursuit for profit and power. This contradicts the 1st and 4th tenables for the fulfillment of Utopia. The Pantheon must exact unobstructive and non-intrusive surveillance and control if assignments are consigned to any operating corporations. The malicious nature of corporation must evolve together with the quality of Mankind, or they must extinct.

The general public should not remain passively apathetic; groups of special interests should be formed to study various methods of conducting human elevation programs. The central theme of an Utopia is based on the quality of human. There is no civilization without quality humankind.

Talent remains the most unharnessed resource of this modern age. The Pantheon must do whatever in their wit and wisdom to elevate Mankind, to prepare a quality Humanity for a perfect Utopia. The denizens and his environment should be designed and developed in the most uniquely seamless form that each are well-suited for each other. Any form of misapplication may result in a contamination or distortion of the premeditated intent.

Each cell creates an instance of a movement, emulating the most robustly evolved group. By observing the best practices of each group, every group experiments and evolves their methods. They also synergize and published reproduceable results, and motivate other groups to follow like wise. Each cell becomes a specialized unit of research and development, the human as the main product, and scientific methods and discoveries as its innovative process. Each cell do not work as disparate groups, like cells of a tissue, they evolve, synergize, rejuvenate and enhance each other. Working seamlessly as a body, the possibilities of rapid prototyping the Utopia, modeling from the success from them, is boundless.

Quality Mankind does not denote controlled or manipulated quality. As a quality human, the individual should be cultivated to be self-autonomous and self-evolving entity. The excellence will push the Utopia to greater feats and breakthroughs. The mentally and physical dysfunctional will accomplished feats to overcome their disadvantage, turning every form of handicap into an exploitable opportunity — a feat which the rest can learn from. In such, they may prove themselves an indispensable deliberation that the divine has designed as a unique fabric of Utopia. In the context of a perfect society, no mistake is left unexploited by the miraculous Midas touch of the Utopia spirit. No one will be left alone, no talent left astray, no resource and opportunity will untapped in an exceedingly creative and spirited Utopia movement. This would be the chiefest revelation and Zion of a perfect society.

The human quality is the central issue.

1. People who do not care, and do not know enough to care - are not the right people.2. Make those people right before they perpetuate the hell for the next generation. 3. While we think making those people right is not our responsibility, they will make that pain and suffering clear to us, and our regret will only reflect our foolishness.

There are ways of refining and enriching the human quality. It is everyone’s moral responsibility.



Mi'kail Eli'yah
Mi'kail Eli'yah

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