The Reason You Exist

The Untold Meaning Of You

Mi'kail Eli'yah
15 min readFeb 25, 2023
Jupiter and Io (Cassini)

I am here. I have meaning. — 2024–03.21

The Meaning, Value And Worth Of Your Existence

You are the true worth of your own existence. People can measure you by your net worth, but you create your own meaning. We do not exist because there is a reason for us to exist, but we make that reason so we exist. This story exists because you exist. You are the organic meaning making machine (O.I.: Organic Intelligence). It is because you exist that somethings are existing. You are not just a possibility, you are also the maker of possibilities.

Every human who comes to this world either attempts to place the world in or out of order. Your existence is not in void nor in vain. You either bring chaos or order, and likely both. You are a meaning and information machine. You can and do cause and create an effect one way or another.

I place a body to a wheel, it becomes a unicycle. I add another wheel, it becomes a bicycle. I add an engine, it’s a motorbike. I pump up the watts, cover it with a chassis, add 2 more wheels, it turns into a car. I park it near the tide and rust it to scrap, it reduces to a piece of junk. — Re: Accumulated meaning, 2003-09.06

There are 2 great days in a person’s life — the day we are born and the day we discover why. — Anonymous

Antikythera Mechanism was born because some people (like Archimedes et al) were.

My birth was a mortal mistake, but it is not an accident. — 2003–09.01

I wish I have better means to make them `see` it. I see another possibility that they can have and that they can be. Only if they knew … things will be so much simpler.

Leave a piece that will never go away. — Re: The orchestra of your life, 1990

If you die, and the world is suddenly cast into darkness, you have lived a life most worthy, despite to those who are blind to your light and anesthetized from your warmth. You can’t help those, but you made a change to those who are awake. — 2018–01.10

Crude resources are useless without refining and crafting them into consumable materials and utilities. Crude ideas are useless without refining and crafting them into consumable `implementables` and executables.

Don’t confuse your reflexive reactions as planning. Sober planning comes with placing one’s emotion aside, brutally grilling oneself with sobering questions. Then brace up oneself emotionally to fuel the resolve into actions.

I am not the kind of person who picks on a problem, I call to work on a solution. Prayers and comfort do ease our anxiety for a while, but we have to move swiftly, vigilantly and skillfully. Action, not words, could be the best antidote to despair, it may be the only panacea.

Plan avidly, execute arduously. — Re: Avidity and Ardor, 2006–07.08

Talents are not really hidden, obstructed and obscured perhaps, however more of a matter of where the light is casting. If you understand the theme of this letter, you can create possibilities. You can handle fear, disappointment, sorrow, loss, anger, boredom and pain. It is the antidote to overcome adversities.

Talent is a liability, a responsibility entrusted, an asset honored to gifted to nourish the less talented and resourceful. — 2007–03.22

Whichever entity that offers any subject or object of great desirability must be capable to afford it themselves by whichever means they can procure. — Re: Promises from talents, 2007–12.05

Life is as illusive as death, as the attention you give to it. — Re: Jackson’s demise dated 2007–04.04, 04.07

The Reasons Are Functional: Extant, Exist, Extinct

Sometimes in desperate situations, it seems that the only way to extricate ourselves from a trammel would to be to extirpate the cause that provides its condition of existence. — 2005–07.03

What lies dormant may one day dominate and domineer. — 2005–01.16

The sugar pill may be an example of being logically incorrect, but the method of placeboic attention shifting may be technically efficient.

Humans are so inconceivably incomprehensible. They enjoy playing `God`. Let us not join them in those imbecile pursuits. We should journey through our lives seeking an answer sincerely, hoping someday, someone will drop the key into our alms bowl, while we continue to beg for alms for the needy in this journey of life.

Divinity is not buried in the depths of earth nor thrown into the deepest ocean, it is hidden in the remotest part of our self.

There are things that are not necessarily true or false, but useful and, therefore, relevant. — 2018–07.30

One can demolish the belief of God with the most carefully tailored dialectics, but would you, even if it is to rob the only meaning and source of the strength of one’s life without a replacement even when the god delusion is a delectable lie? — Re: Iconoclast, 2006–12.29

Sometimes most fairy tales are gaudily banal, so why not make it a bit more unique? — Re: imperfect perfect, 2007–07.11

Myths are created out of hope trying to meet uncertainty and fear, boredom and ego, and fundamentally — emptiness. — 2013-11.11

Mythology is psychology narrated in anecdotes. — 2006–08.18

Creation And Existence

If dimensions of certain mentation fail to exist in a being, the symbolisms enveloped by that dimension will greatly maimed the communication of ideas.

Just as we create movies to express a yearn for wistful ideas and rich desires, a fantasy before a hope-for reality, could we have created art before language? — Re: Attraction, attention, humor and happiness, 2013–06.07

For anything to be enduring, making it endearing. — 2013–06.18

Taking Forms

Look for the tangibles to foresee the intangibles. Conquer the intangibles to control the tangibles.

Tao Of Object-Oriented
When the current is provided in the bulb, light is effused. As Natur imbues the body with a soul, life is created. There is no life, no light, nonentity without meaning.

A word has no motivation of existence; A sentence makes little sense; a page holds a mere part; a chapter is disembodied. Only when books form a library, Tao is born.

The Conditions Of Existence

For 2 contradictory conditions (sub-class) in a given fixed probability space to be orthogonal or coexisting, an exclusive condition must exist to change the size and shape of the probability space. — 2003–06.04

Derivation Of The Answers
Tactics and techniques are merely the science, the know-how, you have to get the skills, the art, which is the do-how.

If 2 approaches reach the same solution, there exist 2 expressions that come together to form 1 equation to reveal the coincidence at the same point in solution space. If you have only 1 choice within a short time — that in local optimality is the ‘best’ choice.

Modern Alchemy
The neologism of `information` has to exist. It is a context and configuration of time, space and energy. Only when you cannot define the substance, you call it `soul`, but once the configuration is known and controllable, you can manufacture birth and resurrection.

See `perfect`, not part. See opportunities, scent for danger, listen for data, signal to induce, touch to magnetize.

This is how a human can reincarnate (become / take another form). 3 steps : 
1. Put down yourself - that is the hardest part, because if you don't you will never be able to ...
2. Walk out of yourself
3. Turn around and look at yourself

Put down yourself, walk out of yourself and face yourself with courage.

Creativity is anoetic logic. - Re: noegenesis in the absence of noetics, 1999-09.30
Type 0.5 Human A (Mikail) : How about this?
Type 0.5 Human B: I can't do the math and physics, you handle that part, it's too much for me, I will catch up later.
Type 0.5 Human A: In the meantime, you deal with the sociology and political mess, it's too much for me, I will catch up later.
Type 0.5 Human B: You check what's happening out there (pointing to the universe).
Type 0.5 Human A: You clear the mess here (pointing to the earth).
Type 0.5 Human A and B (grinning):
Type 0.5 Human A and B (to each other): Why you think you have an easier job? Think again.
- 1999
A: What are you doing these days?
Me: The usual. Studying, researching, training, gearing up resistance capabilities, and hoping that I never need to use it.
A: lol.
Me: lol.
- 2017-01.28

The Reason To Exist

My question lies in the very foundation of our beliefs. We can doubt any religion or idealism today, we will doubt another which we embraced tomorrow. The basis lies with our reasoning. It is not what we believe in, but how and why we believe in the first place. In the similar mode, we will doubt the singular purpose we had for life, we will doubt life has a meaning altogether one day. When all is lost, we doubt ourselves. True believers are not baptized by fire or water or words, they are baptized by crisis and work of will.

The furthest superstition which science can endure is a dogmatic, violently non-transgressively defended supposition — unendorsed, possibly interruptive, and yet non-insistent and no cause to be evangelized.

I am not really atheistic or theistic, I am either or or of ignostic and agnostic. I don’t have much of an opinion, but more of an approach. There is a difference. I am not rejecting religion, I am just putting it aside.

Some people draft plans for life, I chart the path for humanity. My aim is not to perfect mankind within my mortality — that is a hope, but at least to prove that transhumanism is not merely a possibility or probability, it is an absolute possibility.

My biscuit is not listening, and so is that imaginary god people talk about. Let that god speak for himself / herself. I see ventriloquists so far, while that “god” remains mute and the rest hallucinating voices. — 2017–09.15

Fear no superstitious taboos. — 2017–10.13

There is no religious moderation where reasoning is untenable and conviction is tenacious. — 2017–07.10

Thou shall not test God does not mean thou should not or must not. Unfortunately, thou cannot which is a concerning lack. — 2016–12.29

Genetic information is not proven to this date that it fully automates our behavior, and it may suggest that it is giving the modules for us to work our behaviors which will shape our destiny. We do not have all the answers, but it should not mean we should not find out. We have to. Natur planted the garden, we grow the purpose.

I cannot keep blaming people for their attitude, they have a different Dharmic experience altogether, I just feel sad for them. Feeling angry is rather for my part a selfish undertake. For humans, patience is really a virtue difficult to attain, especially in the remainder of our mortality.

If you cannot refine your decision-making courage and science, we cannot go further to designing your life. If people want to live on well, ask them what they will do with the years, but ask them what they are currently doing with their given years.

While I had said there are 2 times while we are dead, before we are born and after we are gone, but while this bounds of existence are clear, the finite is given a chance to fathom the infinite — not in the poetic sense but by terms of science that gives us not just the sentience, but the sense of complete truth. From the limited to the unlimited, from the mortal to the immortal, from the ephemeral to the indestructible, we are born within a universe, and we seek that the universe will 1 day be within us. — 2016–01.09

You set out on a journey to seek the truth, you lost everything, everything that was wrong, though it was all that you had about reality, and got more instead, just like what happened to me the first time I knew there was more than what I was told about life.

Start mining and refining the meaning from yourself. It could be the best valuable gift you can gift people you care and love deeply for. The root and meaning of a family have to encompass dignity and integrity, with the intent to excel mutually inclusively with and for the good of all mankind.

Prayer is more than a 2-way communication between meaning (`God`) and man. It is through this means, hopes are renewed, faith rejuvenated. It symbolizes an entity that transcends mortal means and mortality. Through prayer, hope everlasting is promised.

Respire inspiration, savor human goodness, take off and soar, engineer the human spirit, brew a lasting culture, finally — leave an awakening touch. This is perhaps the first few steps of the defiance of mortality.

A mortal cannot resurrect the dead, but s/he can relive a demised legend. What is that warmth and light others require from you? Live another day, you get a page to correct your mistakes.

There’s nothing wretched about life, `God`’s gift can’t be unclean, it’s what we do with it. — 2005–04.06

Faith is magic. Prayer is my spell. — Re: “I go before you”, Hymn before an ordeal, 2005–04.18

Re-making The Meaning Of Your Existence

Work Your Worth

Enlightenment is only one step away, it merely takes a twilight of a moment to be awakened, yet that step is so arduous to make, so near, yet so far.

Rejoice Your Existence
I never believed in celebrating my own birthday. It’s a day I question myself what have I done to make my life worthy and worth living for. Only when that first lights of civilization dawns on humanity, would I celebrate the birthday of humanity, and then my own, for truly, my existence would have fulfilled its purpose. I just asked my friend if his child would to come and asked him why he brought him to this world, how would he answer? He asked me for the answer. I told him half of it.

We celebrate not our day, but that meaning of our day. My first gift for my children is that meaning which I toil my heart out for. The same of which will endure and be remembered.

I may be leaving early today (in Germany). My birthday is just as lonely as the rest of the rest of the 27 ones, I'm least surprised. It'll be over in 1 hour (at wife's side in Asian time). Funny it seems, only you and most prob. My mum remembers it. I have only 2 people in this world, no …. 3, and Mr B too. Every birthday is a rueful day for me, I am not rueing, it's plain facts. This birthday reflects that everyone is too busy for me. Their trivialities in life are more important than the commitment I have for them. It's ok, I lost everything before, I am used to it. Perhaps it was plainly an illusion I am not alone - but I am. No one really cares for anyone, even if you can for them. A good soldier never leave his men behind …. I am the only good soldier that abides. - Re: My Birthday - Celebrating the child within? ... with whom?, 2003

Before the end of your life draws near, write down the 3 things you want people to remember about you:
1. Lovable : "As someone whose birthday will be celebrated after being passed on for being glad that he was born to make that difference to them"
2. Inspirational : "The crazy guy who brings a new dimension to people's lives."
3. Selflessness : "Who forgets himself in others"

Mind Your Gray Matter

We should be as concerned with how our diet is turned from nutrients to fibers and plasma, but also with how it is affecting our gray matter. — 2014–02.17

Mind Your Intent
Distill your mind before putting your thoughts in motion. You cannot have clear thoughts with a contaminated mind. You can’t make concrete paths with flimsy steps. Beware and be aware of our ignorance and limited understanding.

If Newton’s alchemy was an under-developed, primitive form of advanced physics and chemistry yet to be (*neo-nuclear physics), what is Ramanujan’s religion considered to be … an under-developed, primitive form of advanced psychology, neurology, logic and mathematics yet to be (*neo-neurologic logic)?

* `neo` here is referring to be "pre-Singularity Era".

Be away from mundane humans. Don’t let them distract you from the questions of the universe. This world is too small for your ideals. The country is too trivial for your mind. Your thoughts used to embrace the stars. It was much bigger than that. Just focus on who you are supposed to become. Whatever you do, do it with passion. Revel in the joys of what you do, you will naturally flourish. Don’t lose yourself.

We get conditioned by people around us. Mass stupidity is infectious. - 2018–07.20

Think out of the box? But why are you in the box in the first place? And even by thinking outside the box, will you still be physically inside? - 2018–06.20

Don't be distracted too much on financial currencies when we really run on emotional fuel. - 2015–11.20

I am trying to understand emotions, it's like alcohol to me, I get affected by it but I don't understand. - 2016–07.03

Great woes is the man with power in his hands, but flimsy stands. Great woes is the man with answers in his head, but shrouded with pleasures of his heart. - Re: the single step to Nirvana … so near, yet so far, 2003–12.14

If we were to base our reasoning on purely debased instincts, I will not be aspiring sapiens, but the lowly intellect beasts at best. Against the Beleaguering of temptations, it is hope that we live on, and hope that will lead us to the Truth.

We cannot achieve what we do not believe and commit to. There is almost only 1 rule to do this — that is, to be adaptably strong and strong adaptable.

Before any object can move steady and stealthy, it should be pre-conditioned to start off from a stable stance. - 2004–08.31

Look with your mind, then your eyes, then with your hands. Keep rolling the process. - 2014–02.01

Subsistence Versus Sustenance
The soul is akin a child whom is incommunicado to the mother, the mind, whereby his needs are always unfathomed and misinterpreted, and his true purpose veiled. Subsequently, without sustenance the child withered and unraveled.

Your meaning of existence is the source of your moral courage. It may be `God` or `Truth`, but what if it does not stand anymore?

Without hope and meaning, I am too impoverished to love. I have no courage to love. — 1997–04.19

Before you align your will, assert the center (中, zhōng) and heart (心, xīn) of human heart, mind and soul, with every matter and mind of heaven and earth. The plan will reveal and crystalize itself. Align them, and them with your soul. Every planet has a governing star, every constellation is regulated by the North Dipper.

Knowing the outer-man leads to astuteness; understanding the inner-man to sainthood. — 1994

You can stake your life in this whirlpool of human games, or tread your way home back to `godliness`.

Magic, technology and the existence of `God` is simply what is hidden and what is to be revealed.

Save lives, time is not on the side of the dying. Do not let them cross either Acheron (the river of sorrow, or woe), Cocytus (lamentation), Phlegethon (fire), Lethe (oblivion), and Styx (hate), to Hades. Be that difference, and make that reason, worth, value and meaning of your existence.

Every flight commonly begins with a leap. — 2006–01.13

Time is like water, grasping it is futile, but is there perhaps a way to contain it? — 2009–11.15

Experience should not be measured in terms of time, it should be measured in terms of events. It is those meaningful events that make that difference.

Olēka — n. the awareness of how few days are memorable — all the endless ordinary days that will only slip through your fingers by tomorrow, like cards dealt directly into the discard pile.

What are the chances you’ll remember anything that happened today? — Anonymous

On the alpine scree of over 4,000m on the edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, the noble rhubarb sees the most important blooming period of its entire life. Bloom time: from June to August.

The Gift

You are here to make. You are here to make meaning — make values and things that will make life more beautiful and joyful.

What is that gift of hope you are giving to your children, your progeny and posterity to come? Make that gift a mission. You could be that reason for that gift to exist.

Be not merely leaving an echo. Create a forcible repercussion that will veer the walk of mankind. Be the reason for the dawn of a new civilization.

