Coding Towards The Answer, Part 2

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Mi'kail Eli'yah
11 min readJun 19, 2023

I was helping a friend to simplify understanding how to work towards an understanding of complex ideas. What I found were a few common sins. What if I can get people to `see` it within minutes? How about a step-by-step gif? I used them in some of my animated journals?

Animated journals are a little thoughts of mine as I kept hitting on the hurdles and refined upon getting clarity and efficiency along the way. `Little thoughts` are a means I learned from Wing Chun in bringing ideas to live and carving applications to reality like Michelangelo.

The common reader may wonder why I am sharing this. As an old school teacher, I think it is more important to teach students on how to discover the thoughts than giving the answers. I am hoping students discover their methodology in `mining discoveries` as its own applied philosophy.

Merge Sort

In this article, I am starting with merge sort, which can be a simple concept, when explained step-wise. Here is a gif:

Let’s not jump into coding, and as usual. Let’s do the simplification via Divide et Impera — start with the component’ized mechanisms.

