Tooling With Engineering Clarity

Mi'kail Eli'yah
31 min readMay 30, 2021

Observations And Improvements On Engineering Tooling

This section describes a list of managing someone elses’ mess when everyone defacto to the norm.

The odd thing about tradition is that the longer it has been going the more people seem to take it seriously. It is as though sheer passage of time makes something that was to begin with to be made up turned it into what people believed to be as a fact. — Richard Dawkins

Many a times, I found myself to be doing system archaeology (on old systems) or forensics (on dead designs), and I know something is very sinfully wrong. — 2011-12.08

Structure determines clarity. — 2011-12.08

Car accidents happen everyday, how many are unique? Almost none. How do you think history repeats or rhymes? People don’t even learn from history in the 1st place. — 2017–06.24

If you cannot be fast, be early. —2017–06.24

Human slow themselves down sometimes on the confusion over the complexity they created for themselves. - 2009-07.08

1. Introspective Oracles

