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Appendix 01: Remembering Cards
Using Centum Amici System And Loci Method In The Game of Memory
Seeing Probabilities
Card counters try to predicting every card before it hits the table. The ability to remember and track of dealt cards gives the 1st advantage of estimating the occurrence of the remaining cards. As the game progresses, following each player’s hands and awaiting for the situation of high probability wins may giving the winning advantage over the game.
Guidelines for Remembering
Using the theory of mnemonics, it provides the framework of an identifiable system of mnemonic syntax for the mind.
First, creating the mapping. In this case, you require only 52 characters, out of the 100 Amici characters. Giving the order, if we use the high card by suit ascending alphabetical order ranking is used in the game of bridge: Clubs (lowest), followed by Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades (highest). Ace of Club can be ‘01’, Ace of Diamond can be ‘11’, etc. Hence, we map them to specific characters. Kings, Queens and Jacks, or even Aces can have separate specific characters.
Some historians have suggested that suits in a deck were meant to represent the 4 classes of Medieval society. Cups and chalices (modern hearts) might have stood for the clergy; swords (spades) for the nobility or the military; coins (diamonds) for the merchants; and batons (clubs) for peasants.