The Walk Towards Utopia: Religion — The Misused Technique

Chapter 02: Religion — The Misused Technique

Mi'kail Eli'yah
5 min readAug 15, 2022

This thesis is dedicated to Every human who dreams of a better life and a better world for themselves and their children.

Emili Vilamala Benito captured this Brocken Spectre on the cliff of Tavertet in Spain. A Brocken Spectre is a large shadow of an observer cast onto a cloud.

The Wrong Way … The Wasted Effort

Can religion fill the void of human meaning? Is there the One True Religion? Whichever religion is selected, the universal belief they shared is the disbelief in each other’s religion, except when it comes to their own religion. Though there are over 10,000 different faiths around the world, ironically, each religious person is 99% atheistic and apathetic toward the religion of Humanity.

Religion has become a crutch for an individual to lean on when life becomes tough, but as a falsehood will not truly support Humanity. This may be evidenced by the multitude of problems, painful struggles, and sufferings which continue to plague the society. Even though religion has been in existence since the ancient age, it is no more than aesthetic as a shard of archaeological artifact, than being proven utilitarian as a scientific apparatus. Religion did serve a useful purpose, in times when man was nescient about the universe; it provides as positivistic guidelines on societal values and peaceful coexistence, deterring unwarranted primate violence under behavioral determination of the ignorance and bestial egos. Ironically, Humanity still lives in the Dark Age of beastly ignorance; religion is still in the Renaissance of wishful thinking and non-progressive passivity. To remove religion from the realm of Humanity may create a malicious void, reducing Humanity to a wilderness of pandemonium lurking with bloodthirsty predators.

Nonetheless, religions have loomed the world with a certain gloom of ignorance and egoistic iniquities, creating divisions between people with various religious doctrines. Such divisions trigger bloody conflicts and fuel the violence of mindless hatred and discrimination — all fought and purported in the guised propaganda of Humanity.

Any religion that advocates violence is demonic; any false prophets who propose or accomplice conflicts are criminals of Humanity. The quintessence of all gospels which should be preached is the true gospel of Humanity — the common grounds which Humans exist in humility and relentless excellence.

Just as theories are the building blocks to science, developed, continuously corrected, refined and evolved with new discoveries and new acquired data, religion should also be understood as a model for humans to build their foundations of ideals and ideas based on working principles that will produce optimal outcomes, not persistent immaterial dogmas perpetuating human sufferings under the delusional bigotry of a few.

The world is falling apart of people wanting their own language, religion and ideas, colors, and way of doing things without understanding or even concerning for others, in fact infringing on the rightful latitude of others. People either define their own god or their own religion to their convenience. I am not against God, I am cautionary towards the precept of claquish and clannish religion that separates man and man himself from his reality, rationality, and possibilities. We are hardly against religion because we understand that many a times religion can be a means for people to keep their sanity. We have nothing against religion, and fully endorse its incalculable artistic and sociological values, but if it starts committing humanity crimes by contaminating science with mythology and false flagging for distorted political and social causes, we should incriminate it before it ends any hope of civilization. All these years we have only proven the might of our hatred but not the power of our love. We all love religion in form of art, hope and inspiration, but we abhor it in its meanest bigotry, ignorance, hypocrisy and mindless violence.

Many confused theists blindly parrot the axiom of “thou shall not judge”, and forgetting to address “how shall one discern”. Perhaps, it meant, be not judgmental or unfairly critical. The fundamental basis of the religion is to love and take care of “thy brethren”, thus if you judge, you must be the keeper. Thus, one must not unconfused with judgment and discernment.

If God is merely as good as a placebo, life may be an interesting design, but possibly a bad idea. Religion cannot and should not be a means of cheap and convenient consolation for the lack of logical explanation. It’s time to ensure that we address religions as mythologies appropriately. In the same, as many countries have clear distinction between state and religion, we should have similarities between history and mythology, and religion should not be stated as part of identity imprinting, just as mythology should not.

All delusions are false and wrong, but some can be useful.

There are 2 characters in the Chinese characters for `superstition` (迷信, mí xìn), the first character mean `bemused`, the second character mean `believe`. To adopt any belief without understanding and reasoning is superstition, even in science. Most people take mathematical formula without ample consideration and meditation. I regard such irresponsible behavior as superstition. - 2000"""
Dark Age: You are practicing witchcraft. You are a warlock. You are against spirituality. Religion is more important.
Modern Dark Age: You are against spirituality. You are not natural. Art and religion (if it does not disturb my art and convenience) are more important. - Regarding science, 2021-04.14
A: Where is God?
B: Who is God?
Me: What is God?
- 2001
Myths, fantasy sell faster than truth. Films, novels, religions and infomercials have no lack of fans. - 2011-12.27It's hard to be a Christian and a consumer at the same time. - 2011-09.11Faith may be a myth, but it bridges to overcome fear, especially when there is a lack of methodology. - 2011-12.27Religion? I am afraid we just started another within this discussion itself. - 2011-10.23I agree there should be a truth, but it is unlikely for human. How do we differentiate between respecting religion and respecting delusion? - 2016-09.15If you have to fight on behalf of your gods (and they can’t do it for themselves or even speak for themselves), then your gods are mere furniture - not utterly useless, but mere instruments dependent on your usage. - 2019-05.18Let there be God. - Re: The Genesis of religion, 2021-09.15



Mi'kail Eli'yah
Mi'kail Eli'yah

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