The Walk Towards Utopia: Faith

Chapter 11: Faith

Mi'kail Eli'yah
4 min readAug 17, 2022

This thesis is dedicated to Every human who dreams of a better life and a better world for themselves and their children.

Moral Courage To Act Is True Faith

Many will say Utopia is an impossible dream. It all depends on vision, courage, ambition and will to strive for. For all religion believes in miracles, then where that moral courage purported? This would be the crucible to what the religious has preached, it is a chance that they practice. If the faith believing religionists want to believe in their divine benevolence, they should know the compassion divine being will only abide the side of the miracle workers and do-ers, not the empty sayers or well-wishers. No debate ever violent, no gospel ever poetic can hide that hypocrisy. There are too many loud preaching pretenders murdering possibilities, but it is the true faithful who open the Red Sea, and march towards Mecca of Hope. Without faith, dreams will never become reality. If they really believe that with God, all things are possible, they should live the sincerity. Those who deny their talents for miracles will be shut behind the gates of paradise. Those who believe waged their salvation.

History has scores of accounts on dastardly hypocrites, it is to no surprise they have mobs of ignorant followers, but as they are slaving on their stake of meaningless sufferings, the enlightened chosen may set on the exodus to their promise land. The faithful are courageous, they inherit the new world co-created by both theandric and virtuously altruistic. For the defeatist, they will be judged at the end of days to the mythological version they believe. Instead of becoming a theist or atheist, why not become a scientist? The great difference is that in order to enter that religion and be fully qualified as one, you really work the hell to know much a lot, and sharpen your mind so exacting to warrant what you could be having confidence in to be called — your faith. We should not suspend our rational faith on fiction and fantasy. Faith with fantasy can be fatal. If faith would to embrace madness, all cause can be lost.

Hope comes alive with faith - a living Hope. - 2003-06.22It is with faith that one may find arcane scientific methods while looking for the tooth fairy. – 2004-11.15Faith is the magical technology that makes the impossible possible, the inconceivable conceived, the unpresent present, the unrealistic real, a fairy tale - a legend told. – 2004-11.15Faith is not against reasoning, it is beyond human reasoning. – 2005-04.04

Discourse Of Faith And Perfection

One cannot believe in the entity of `God` and the nonexistence of perfection of the same time, it is tantamount to acknowledge the paradox of the being without his behavior, or the material without manner. Herein, we addressed the material and it’ properties. The strive for perfection is an endeavor to discover and realize the characteristic of `God`. Transhumanists would model godliness after Type 7 civilizations which would be indistinguishable from the concept of god.

Hope is the substance that makes sentient beings valuable and perhaps the attribute that distinguish man from other creations. Hope is the phenomenon of the cathexis on the evidence of this cherished substance unseen. Faith is active hope. Hence, the strive for perfection is an act of faith and projection of hope. Herein, there can be no faith without the strive for perfection. Believing in it is an act of hope, striving to attain it is an act of faith. With faith guided by rationale and courage, horizons are expanded beyond one’s reality, one lives more than a life — one lives a magical legend. I have no doubt that with unmovable faith can part the seas of daunting unknowns, revealing undiscovered dimensions once concealed from the naked eye.

Humans repeat basic questions because they are still primitive to understand the basics. Should they seek hope first then virtues, the other way round or at the same time? No matter how lowly a human may be subjected, s/he should not accept that given state, s/he should have the right to dream and desire for higher states, and it is in the moral capacity to seek those hopes and virtues. Giving up or not even seeking is the only immoral mortal sin. Whether religious or moral faith, it have to fuel our progress to drive forward and upwards. Humanity has the potential to accomplish anything that does not violate the fundamentals of the universe. Utopia can be achieved in as much as humanity is willing to start the construction with some moral faith.

Build the bricks to dream the castle. Face fear with faith, and fear will fade away. Turn your frustrations, exasperations, and hurts to your strength, and place them in your will ... - 1996-10.06Cultivate faith in creativity, suspend fatalistic judgment, practice precise observation, ask penetrating questions, and most of all understand that nothing is certain, except the arcane absolute. - 1997Faith requires conditioning. - 1999-03.23Faith bridges dreams and realities. - 2000-08.26The gift of faith is joy. - 2002-07.02Tough times calls for tougher faith. - 2002-08.16What draws between pagans and prophets is faith, we can romance a belief to turn our civilization into a cultural Mecca and a Babylon of science boiling with multiple ideas, and blooming pluralistic schools of thoughts, or we can be obdurate cynics, indurately persisting in this barbaric, decadent, modern Sodom. Forthrightly, I may asseverate that it will be the epidemic of selfishness that brings human existence to its end. -  Tragedy or triumph, 2002-09.16Faith is the knowledge that everything is possible, with the understanding that mortal perception yet to see. - 2012-05.27



Mi'kail Eli'yah
Mi'kail Eli'yah

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