The Missing Chapter — Happiness And Joy

The Evasive Ether Of Happiness

Mi'kail Eli'yah
37 min readNov 17, 2022

1. Happiness and joy are different.
2. Eudaemonia has more dimensions and favors than is commonly understood.
3. Eudaemonia is not found, it is cultivated.
4. Emancipation is a composition of at least with these 2 components: encraty and volition.
5. Compassion and passion with a sense of meaning gives human a directed form of transcendence to move forward in life.
6. Meaningful happiness is not merely citing yourself, but deep fulfillment.

The most compelling pursuit of a human is to free himself from any possibility of trauma. Worry is negative rehearsal. Concern without emotional drag-down can be a proactive form of contingency planning. However, many people have accumulated more exhaustion than passions all these years, and they have defocused them from their passions, and sometimes dehumanized them of their compassion.

A mind too occupied by disappointments and worries can only see disappointments and worries. Happiness is a psychological state in the absence of pain; joy is the `spiritual` exuberance that embraces the pain and moves beyond its fears.

Happiness gives you motivation
Anger gives energy
Disgust gives you reaction
Sadness gives thought
Fear gives you awareness
Pain gives you a lucid moment in time that is only an illusion…

