The Master Key To Solving Puzzles — Mind On Math, Part 1

Meditation On Math

Mi'kail Eli'yah
8 min readMay 16, 2024

The notion here is to help puzzle solvers and miners to build tools — tool systems and facilities — that can help them unlock more puzzles. Where they build one solution upon another, and scale great heights to see the fabric of wonders.

Deep, clear and wide sense of rationality is a means to the acquisition of many virtues. Quo Vadis — Know where you are going … and even if you don’t, chart the terrain — piece by piece — and work backwards. Destiny will find you. Share your insights and we can stand on the shoulders of giants and stride forward in great leaps — together.

Tenets (Part 1)
1. Link To The Cues And Given Knowns
2. Discover The Fact / Crux And Simplify The Question
3. Discover Mathematical Mechanisms And Collect Them
4. Extending To Create Symmetries And Recognizing Symmetries
5. Extend The Problem
6. Given A Premise, Test Validity Of Conditions And Bounds
7. Create Equivalence Or Equivalent Analogy
8. Tabulate, Graph, Scenario Events, And Charts
9. Proof By Contradiction
10. Work Out Stepwise, Do Not Assume

Finding the answer is important but identifying the problem is more important. — Ji-woo (Kim Dong-hwi), Movie: In Our Prime (이상한 나라의 수학자, 2022)

Tenet: Link To The Cues And Given Knowns

Link to the cues and given knowns and create the scaffolds.

