Member-only story
Reframing Reviews To Growth Group Sharing
The ruler is not an instrument for hitting or punishment, it is supposed to be a tool for measurement. How is it so that many people are seeing it more for the other means? This is a disturbing observation.
The `ruler` is both and object and a figurative system of judging people. In many organization, it is now used more to pick faults rather than to use it to understand a person to promote his/ her performance. This misses the opportunity for mutual growth altogether.
People are constantly living under people’s expectation, but what if it is all upside down? That is, their expectation is beneath validity, and what we are seeking is actually above the mark, won’t everyone be heading wrongly in both areas and orientation?
A Radical And Better Review
I sat everyone on a round seating and reveal on the whiteboard:
Categories of awareness1. Unconscious incompetent — knows not, and knows not that s/he knows not.
2. Conscious incompetence — knows not, and knows that s/he knows not
3. Conscious competence — knows, and knows that s/he knows
4. Unconscious competence — knows, and knows not that s/he knows
Then I had them written out on what they were aware of, i.e. in categories 2…