Memoirs Of A Bug Hunter

Borrowing The Eye Of The Graeae

Mi'kail Eli'yah
16 min readDec 3, 2022

This is not a good way to waste your youth. — Ursa to juniors

The most important thing about an engineer is not his knowledge, but his character, and how his techniques and character work hand-in-hand. — Re: Be an Engineer, not a Reference Book, 2005–10.31

What is hard to code — must be hard to debug. — Michael S. to Marcel S., 2003–05.28

One software bug literally led to the death of people due to the patriot missile bug; 28 people died in 1991. From the nature and number of bugs, you can diagnose and gauge the competency, culture and morale of the organization, and if you know the exact time of the make, you can tell the internal affairs.

Mistakes are not necessarily equivalent to learning experiences, they may be merely bad experiences. - 2004-09.14

The sense of urgency should not be interpreted as panic. Nonchalance should not be mistaken as having a plan in mind. - 2010-05.28

They should not teach people programming. They should teach them debugging, and you will see all the birds dropping from the sky, quitting. - Friend to Mi'kail, 2021-03.25

