Fate Is A Machine

Mi'kail Eli'yah
10 min readAug 23, 2020
Scientists have found the Human brain can create structures in up to 11 dimensions. These dimensions, however, are not seen in a classical sense.

After observing humans for a while, looking through about 1000 stories, movie plots, documentaries, across logs and life accounts of 1000 people, and collections of yet more than 1000 ideas for improvement and innovation of various topics, a trend describing the mechanics and dynamics of how people are trapped in their thinking and this phenomenon called — fate, emerges.

People are fundamentally the same character under different stories — they are variable within different conditions, and we can describe their stories with different models to explain the physics of their fate. In the argument of nature versus nurture, the machinery of fate, once it is modelled, seems apparently quantifiable, qualifiable, measurable and containable.

Inspector Laoorn: If you have examined 1000 cases, you will realize there is nothing in the world that is bizarre.
Lee Weijie: If you have seen 1000 movie plots, you will realize there is nothing in any plot that departs from expectation.
— “Sheep Without a Shepherd”, movie, 2019

If you want to tell the future, learn to read it first. — 2019-01.16

Departing Zero

People become the `who` are no longer different, differentiable or distinguishable from the `what` that the system prescribes and conscribes. People are subjects of a social system and have to function within the…

