Coding Towards The Answer, Part 8

Mating Game … How Pegasus Was Born …

Mi'kail Eli'yah
6 min readJul 20, 2023

I wrote some codes to show how people can make their pokemon badges by mating their creatures during social interactions. These badges can be attributes:

Username/Handle: Unique identifier chosen by the user during registration. It's how they are recognized and addressed within the community.

Profile Picture/Avatar: Users often upload an image to represent themselves visually. It can be a photo, an illustration, or any image that reflects their personality.

Reputation/Points: A reputation system to reward users for their contributions and knowledge. The higher the reputation, the more trust and authority the user has within the community.

Badges/Achievements: Users can earn badges on both platforms as recognition for completing specific tasks or demonstrating expertise in certain areas.

Contributions/Activity/Energy: User's activity, such as the number of repositories they've created, commits they've made, issues they've opened, and pull requests they've submitted.

Followers/Following: Users can follow others to stay updated on their…

