Chapter 7. The Art and The Science of Mnemonics

Mi'kail Eli'yah
5 min readSep 2, 2018

We jumped right into the methods, and by now, you would have acquired the science. You may be losing some grasp as the methods can be overwhelming, but you would have understood the theory. When we are lost, we return to the fundamentals, and now, you have the tools to help you. You just have to return to ground zero to review and reconcretize the foundations. And as you work your way up again, all that I had been saying will make more sense to you. You will find yourself reaching into the bag of methods from time to time again, and there they will be — what I said, and you understand — why I said them. All those pieces that you once find fragmented will for the first time find it’s rooted place.

You are not supposed to just know, you are supposed to — become.
— Mi’kail Eli’yah

Knowing the methods is science, able to incorporate the theory is art. Let’s get the science into our system — by conditioning the mind with the methods. As we make the language of the mnemonics conversant to mind, gradually, it will be able to set itself to work the effect.

Use the 100 Day Game to conduce and condition yourself

