Chapter 6. Using Extended Sub-System of `Centum Amici` System to Learn Anatomy
The `Centum Amici` System has a principle of evolving virtuous cycle methodology, i.e. using 1 system to train, adopt and assimilate another system into itself.
To illustrate, we trial out the new acquired system (in this case, the periodic table) from the main `Centum Amici` System to learn the 12 cranial nerves as an illustration.
[1]. Olfactory — sense smell
<Mnemonic> 01. Hydrogen — Something burning? Oh — the `Old factory`* is on fire !
[2]. Optic — sense vision.
<Mnemonic> 02. Helium — 2 floating balloons that look like 2 giant eyeballs staring at you.
[3]. Oculomotor — eye muscle function (all, e.g. up/down/medial but not downward and inward eye movements) and pupil response.
<Mnemonic> 03. Lithium — batteries powering the eye movement and focusing power. Remember the sound made by old cameras machinery as it is working on…