Appendix : Social Acronyms And Parlance Used

Mi'kail Eli'yah
5 min readSep 6, 2021


As the net is normalizing a list of abbreviation for communicating and texting expressions and concepts, over the years, some friends and I had been using a list of abbreviations and parlance of our own.

Caveat: While vulgarity has been so discouraged among my common social group that it is in desuetude, acridity exists.* semiotics:  The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. Synonyms: semeiology[A]
AIDA: Attention / Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action.
AIWA: Anxiety inducing word allergen (syndrome)aylfdov:
Are you looking for a discussion or victory?
*related: `LoV`
"busy as a form of procrastination" (see also `wafop`)
Big Meaningless Naming
Boring Repetitive Obvious Old Topics (B.R.O.O.T.). News or issues that happens again and again in striking similar manner with new fanciful names, e.g. security incidents, traffic accidents, celebrity (`halo-and-hollow` effect) lawsuits, frauds, scandals and scams, shooting rave, under-prepared pandemic management (even when we have "unprecedented" data for "unprecedented" centuries on news over-using the word - "unprecedented"), etc. (refer also: SSDD or SSDS)
Code of Distribution
Dancing Monkey Syndrome
`Explain It To Me` where an in-built tool have notes added to perform "explain it to me" introspection.
Efficacy metric
Fan Cult Fetish. The tendency to socially worship a certain social celebrity or figure, including behaviors of posting their stories as news-worthy, parroting their pet-phase, and/or dressing like them, and citing and imitating them as success models.
Farting in Symphony. It happens a lot in IT when people just OUA* to sound big, or just some BMN* to brand their IT products like BouncyBalls and SneakySnake, and LPGTM*. It's a way to MTTLIoI * while it is really ITU* in reality.
Fake Feel Good Organization / Orgasm
“Fact-deficient, Obfuscating Generalities.” (Rittenhouse coined an acronym for the absence of candor)
We talk in fact-deficient, obfuscating generalities to cover up our lack of understanding. - Re: Why we Praise Meaningless Jargon and Fail to Realize the Emperor has No Clothes
Faking Social Orgasm ("Invented" a new insult .... awwwwwe .... (in the form of yawning) ... some). If we don't mean it, why over-do this?
GACA (aka the great GACA BS):
‘Great, Awesome, Cool, Amazing’ bullshit using meaningless superlatives during offering hyperbole
Growth Group, Project Partners
Hardly anything is unprecedented
`Halo-and-hollow` effect
Internet junkyard of gossips
Ignore At Your Own Risk
if and only if (also used in mathematics and logic)
(refer: mnwm)
I (Should) Stop Explaining Myself.
Ivory Tower Solutions
Inventing The Unnecessary
In I.T., there is no 'why' sometimes, only 'how'. Sometimes, IT has no guarantee, but definitely a lot of I.T.U.s ("Inventing The Unnecessary"). - 2004
1. Justifiable : rectified principles + cause (sociologically and if considered noble by context of the time)
2. Attestable : verified + validated
3. Actuatable : motived + motivated
4. Transmutable : delta-result (what that cannot be done is now attainable)
Just a Job
Know Your Entities (Entity of a system or ecosystem is a set of both human, as well as hardware and software that is representing them to act on behalf of them on the ecosystem)
Level of Urgency
Learning or victory?
*related: `aylfdov`
Let People Guess The Meanings
没出息 (Méi Chū Xī): wastrel, prodigal, jejune, profligate, degenerate, debased, debauched, useless, worthless, nugatory, purposeless.
Make Trivial Things Look Important or Intelligent
mnwm: must, and no matter what must (refer: iff)[N]
A crappy attitude of “not my job, not my problem”
OSFE: 1-step forward everyday
OTOT: Own Time, Own TargetOUA : Over-Use AcronymsOURA (aka OURS): Obvious, Useless, Redundant Advice (Suggestions). e.g. Please do not give OURA (obvious, useless, redundant advice or suggestions) like sleep, nutrition and meditation or exercise.[R]
Regional parochial illusory superiority. * People really can use a wider view in life.
Same shit, different story. (Referenced from `SSDD` (Same shit, different day), from movie: `Dreamcatcher`, 2003)
Squeezing milk from bulls. (suggesting unreasonable demand with no provisions of assistance or support.)
That's Some Bullshit Another Useless Acronym!
"working as a form of procrastination" (see also `bafop`)
What have you accomplished today?
What have you learnt today?
What have you realized today?
As used to refer to "which-side-are-you-on'isms".
What you see is what you get.


We require some neologism to form new concepts.

Altrulogy: The logic of altruism. Sharing is not an act of pity, but a mandatory policy of optimal survival. A neo-altruistic system can be derived under Altrulogy.
The basis of Altrulogy is simple:
1. Human are inbuilt for empathy.
2. Human are capable of (though they may not, which does not discredit that they lack the faculty to) deriving the micro aspects that mounts to the macro effects of sociology3. Human understand how they affect each other, in terms of transference and mutual induction. It is empathetically intuitive. 4. Human requires nurturing despite how much they may deny it. The lack is known to form complexes.
... going forward ...
5. An institution, such as religion, albeit with possible fanaticism, can be a form of artificial conscience for mutual excellence. For which it may be a form of memetic implement under the same evolutionary design.6. Human, thus, plug into this collective awareness by observation and empathy to derive that altruism is a desirable and logical way to reach mutual, wholistic, synergistic, symbiotic and widespread benefit.[B]
Beneficiarist: (aka Xenialist) Differing from a beneficiary, a beneficiarist is a benefactor who actively engages in rational methods to benefit others.
Contrageria: anti-aging. (Contra-: counter ; geria-: aging)
Inspiricide: Factors that destroy inspirations.

Inspiritonic: Pertaining to factors or environment that contribute to the tenability to inspirations.
Inspiritoxic: Pertaining to factors or environment that contribute to the counteractivity to inspirations.[L]
Logoscracy: Rule by logic (ad logos) and moral reasoning, instead of ad populum. (Democracy is a popular thing, but it does not get near objective facts sometimes.)
A school of thought of a pragmatic utopia under a rule of a pantheon, only possible when the quality of mankind is attained, where everyone holds cogent reasoning and of personality of unwavering rectitude. Logoscrat: A practitioner of Logoscracy.[P]
Philopraxist: a Philosophical Pragmatist (inspired from the word - "ideopraxist").
Xenialist: (derived from Xenia (Greek: ξενία)) Someone who actively engages in rational methods to benefit others. (aka Beneficiarist)


There are also semiotic tags we used to communicate and tag on each others’ logs.

Task          : o 
Done : ✔
Note : = or — or ᠉
Caveat : ! or ⚠
Important : ✱
Secret : ㊙ or 🗝
Complete : o or ϴ
Cancelled : 🗙 or Ø
Appointment : 📅 or Æ
Event : †
Scheduled : ⏲
Deadline : ⧖ or ⧗

Plan / target : ◆ or ◇
Next move : ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟
Explore / question : ?
Problem / difficulty : ζ
Reference / see also : # or 👁
Contact : @ or 🙎
Email to / contact this person : ✉
Migrated / moved : ↕ or → ⇒ ⇄

Lesson : δ or +
Achievement : Δ

Decision : yes (✔), no (✖), undecided (?), orthogonal/ irrelevant/independent(_|_)
Idea : 💡
Inspiration : ♡
█ impactful enhanced
🗲 energized/progressively enhanced
+ passively enhanced
● maintained
_ retroactive
20● = +
10+ = 🗲
30🗲 = █
* not by days, but by substantial events
1. Unicode symbols
2. Star symbols



Mi'kail Eli'yah
Mi'kail Eli'yah

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